- Continuity of high-grade core confirmed with assay results from MCB-033, including 87.85m @ 1.24% Cu and 0.36g/t gold from 305m down hole.
- Total intersection of 619m @ 0.41% copper and 0.08g/t gold (true width est. of ~408m) from 17m down hole.
- MCB-033 has successfully achieved its primary objective of confirming the geological and grade continuity leading to improved confidence in the MCB Mineral Resource estimate.
- Results improve confidence in the existing MCB Mineral Resource estimate
- Drilling of MCB-034 is well underway (currently at 380 meters), which is positioned to the northeast of MCB-033 along strike of the high-grade copper-gold mineralisation.
- Further drill holes are planned to test the open depth extent to the high grade copper-gold positions.
Celsius Resources Limited (“Celsius” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce its Philippine subsidiary Makilala Mining Company, Inc. (“MMCI”) has received high-grade copper-gold assay results from the Company’s first dill hole, which was completed at the MCB Copper-Gold Project, located on the island of Luzon in the Philippines.
The results from Hole MCB-033 confirm the high-grade mineralisation and increase confidence that this portion of the Mineral Resource.
“Celsius is delighted that these results confirm the significance of our maiden mineral resource and continue to validate our confidence in the high-grade copper-gold core at our MCB project. This high-grade core is the main focus of our Scoping Study, which is progressing well” said Celsius Resources Executive Director Blair Sergeant.
Significant intersections within the above-mentioned high-grade core included 87.85m @ 1.24% Cu and 0.36g/t gold, confirming the geological and grade continuity, improving the confidence on current JORC Compliant Mineral Resource Estimate.
The team was also able to successfully complete downhole surveys and fitting of vibrating wire piezometers (VWP) to record subsurface pore water pressure, which is important for supporting the development of a hydrological model as part of the mine planning, a key component of the MCB Project Scoping Study. Rehabilitation of the MCB-033 site is ongoing.
MCB Copper-Gold Project
Located in the Cordillera Administrative Region in the Philippines, approximately 320 kilometers north of Manila, the MCB project holds a large, high-grade copper gold porphyry deposit (Figure 1). It is the flagship project within the Makilala portfolio which also contains other key prospects in the pipeline for permit renewal/extension.
A maiden JORC compliant Mineral Resource was declared for the MCB Project in January 2021, comprising 313.8 million tonnes @ 0.48% copper and 0.15 g/t gold, for 1.5 million tonnes of contained copper and 1.47 million ounces of gold, of which 290.3 million tonnes @ 0.48% copper and 0.15 g/t gold is classified as Indicated and 23.5 million tonnes @ 0.48% copper and 0.10 g/t gold is classified as Inferred.
A high-grade core of 93.7 million tonnes @ 0.80% copper and 0.28 g/t gold will be the focus for the Company’s initial Scoping Study (refer ASX announcement of 12 January 2021). The high-grade core comprises 79.8 million tonnes @ 0.83% copper and 0.30 g/t gold in the Indicated category and 13.9 million tonnes @ 0.59% copper and 0.11 g/t gold in the Inferred category.
Results From Drilling At MCB
Makilala Mining commenced drilling activities at MCB in February 2021. The planned drilling program is
designed to achieve a number of key milestones, including:
- increased confidence in the high-grade portion of the Mineral Resource,
- test depth extensions to the high-grade section of the copper gold mineralisation and,
- test further strike extensions to the MCB deposit across a defined fault which appears to offset the copper-gold mineralisation on its western boundary.
The geological setting for the MCB copper-gold mineralisation is typical of a porphyry copper + gold + moly deposit. The mineralisation and associated alteration exist across the contact between a genetically related intrusive body (tonalite) and the surrounding host rock material. In most cases the surrounding host rock is an older mafic volcanic rock (see Figures 2 and 3).
Results from MCB-033 identified a broad interval of altered basaltic host rocks in association with the copper-gold mineralisation. Drill hole MCB-033 passed very close to the contact position between the basalt and the tonalite (based on the surrounding drill hole information) but did not intersect the tonalite rock (see Figures 2 and 3). The copper mineralisation in hole MCB-033 commenced as shallow as 17m down hole, extending all the way down to 636.m. These broad limits to the copper mineralisation are based on a lower cut-off grade close to 0.1% Cu.
There are a number of higher-grade intervals, including a well-defined high grade core, which is above a cut grade of approximately 0.5% copper. This intersection was 87.85m at 1.24% copper & 0.36g/t gold, with an estimated true width of ~ 58m and includes 51.9m at 1.58% Cu and 0.53 g/t gold. The significant intersections based on the assay results received from MCB-033 are detailed in Table 1.
Status of Drillhole #2 - MCB-034
The second drill hole at MCB (MCB-034) is well underway and was at a depth of 380.0m as of the date of this release. The hole is designed to further define the boundaries to the broader copper mineralisation at MCB in addition to confirm the continuity of the critical high-grade core.
This drill hole is planned to extend down to a total target depth of 600m but may be extended as required. The drill rig will move on to a further two drill holes planned to test for deeper extensions to the high-grade copper-gold mineralisation at MCB
Scoping Study Update
The Scoping Study major components are currently ongoing with the following progress being made:
- Mine Plan and Design Trade-Off Study – 70% Complete.
- Infrastructure Requirement/Layout – 50 % Complete.
- Paste Backfill Study – Commencing June as the mine plane is now defined to an adequate level.
- Metallurgical Test Work (comminution and crushing and floatation test work) – To commence during June (8-week work program once samples received in Perth).
- Dam Conceptual Design – To commence during June in parallel to Paste Backfill Study.
- Financial Modeling – Currently under development.
As such, the Scoping Study Report remains on track with a target completion towards the end of Q3 2021.
Community Engagements
Consistent with the Company’s commitment to keep the local community regularly informed of project progress and plans moving forward, the in-country team presented project updates particularly relative to the drilling and community development programs (CDP) to the Balatoc Tribal Council of Elders (COE) and Barangay Council (BC).
The meeting also served as a venue for presenting the Social and Environmental Baseline Study Team Leaders, who discussed the study objectives and work schedules as well as the processes involved. Given the very positive feedback from the community, the in-country team expects field studies to meet expected delivery timeframes and outcomes.
Consultations with the various host community religious groups were also carried out ahead of the meeting with the aim of better understanding the support they were seeking from the Company. This engagement does not only assist in planning priority projects under the CDP but also promotes open communication to understand and address any concerns, issues, or worries/fears that these sectors may have not only to the MCB project, but mining in general.
A Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine National Red Cross has also been completed and planning meetings are underway with the aim of establishing the Company’s and the host community’s emergency/disaster response and risk management capacities.
This announcement has been authorised by the Board of Directors of Celsius Resources Limited.
Celsius Resources Contact Information
Level 2, 22 Mount Street
Perth WA 6000
PO Box 7054
Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850
P: +61 8 6188 8181
F: +61 8 6188 8182
E: info@celsiusresources.com.au
Media contact
David Tasker / Colin Jacoby
Chapter One Advisors
M: +61 433 112 936 / +61 439 980 359
E: dtasker@chapteroneadvisors.com.au / cjacoby@chapteroneadvisors.com.au
Competent Persons Statement
Information in this report relating to Exploration Results is based on information compiled, reviewed and assessed by Mr. Steven Olsen, who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr. Olsen is a consultant to Celsius Resources and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined by the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Mr. Olsen consents to the inclusion of the data in the form and context in which it appears.
The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the Mineral Resource for the MCB Project. The Company also confirms that all material assumptions and parameters underpinning the Mineral Resource estimate continue to apply and have not materially changed. Please refer to the ASX Announcement of 12 January 2021.
Appendix 1: The following tables are provided to ensure compliance with the JORC Code (2012) requirements for the reporting of Exploration Results for the MCB Project
Sampling Techniques and Data
(Criteria in this section apply to all succeeding sections.)
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Sampling techniques |
Drilling techniques |
Drill sample recovery |
Logging |
Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation |
Quality of assay data and laboratory tests |
Verification of sampling and assaying |
Location of data points |
Data spacing and distribution |
Orientation of data in relation to geological structure |
Sample security |
Audits or reviews |
Reporting of Exploration Results
(Criteria listed in the preceding section also apply to this section.)
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Mineral tenement and land tenure status |
Exploration done by other parties |
Geology |
Drill hole Information |
Data aggregation methods |
Relationship between mineralisation widths and intercept lengths |
Diagrams |
Balanced Reporting |
Other substantive exploration data |
Further work |